Thursday, December 17, 2015


Domba Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Pada waktu lampau jauh sebelum Abraham, di suatu daerah berdiri sebuah kerajaan. Raja memerintah dengan sangat baik. Rakyatnya makmur dan bahagia. Setiap hari raja dan rakyat berkumpul dan pesta bersama. Sungguh suatu kerajaan indah tanpa dukacita.

Raja mempunyai putra, pangeran ini penuh dengan rasa ingin tahu. Dia berpikir adakah yg lebih baik dari yang selama ini dia rasakan? Adakah sesuatu yang lebih indah dari kerajaannya? Pangeran ini makin hari rasa ingin tahunya semakin besar, hingga suatu hari dia memutuskan untuk mencari jawaban atas ingin tahunya itu. Dia mengutarakan keinginannya kepada ayahnya, dia tetap tidak percaya ketika ayahnya berkata Kerajaan inilah yang terbaik. Karena sang Raja sangat sayang kepada putranya ini, maka diijinkanlah dia untuk pergi mencari jawaban atas pertanyaannya. Dibekalinya sang anak dengan uang yang berlimpah, dan apapun yang ingin dibawa oleh anaknya. Kepergian sang pangeran ini membuat sedih sang Raja dan seluruh rakyat, tetapi apa boleh buat sang pangeran tetap pada keyakinannya untuk pergi mencari hal yang lebih baik.

Sang Pangeran akhirnya pergi meninggalkan kerajaannya, dia p
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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Belajar dari sebuah Kepompong

Belajar dari sebuah Kepompong Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Hidup memanglah penuh dengan perjuangan. Jika anda ingin berhasil dan menjadi manusia sukses maka anda pun harus melalui sebuah proses yang terkadang menyakitkan jika dirasakan. Janganlah menjadi seperti anak manja yang selalu ingin dibantu dan dilayani oleh orang tua kita. Karena hal itu sangatlah tidak baik untuk membentuk karakter dan jiwa kita dalam menghadapi kerasnya kehidupan ini. Pada artikel ini saya akan mencoba menceritakan ulang tentang sebuah kisah yang sungguh sangat inspiratif untuk kita renungkan. Cerita ini berasal dari buku yang sangat menarik dan sudah lama saya beli, tetapi baru sempat saya baca beberapa waktu yang lalu, buku tersebut berjudul,?setengah isi setengah kosong? karya parlindungan marpaung.

Berikut adalah kutipannya:

Seorang anak sedang bermain dan menemukan kepompong kupu-kupu di sebuah dahan yang rendah. Diambilnya kepompong tersebut dan tampak ada lubang kecil disana.

Anak itu tertegun mengamati lubang kecil tersebut karena terlihat ada seekor kupu-kupu yang sedang berjuang untuk keluar membebaskan diri melalui lubang tersebut. Lalu tampaklah kupu-kupu itu berhenti mencoba, dia kelihatan sudah berusaha semampunya dan nampaknya sia-sia untuk keluar melalui lubang kecil di ujung kempompongnya.

Melihat fe
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Friday, November 27, 2015

Dan Ini Pun Akan Berlalu

Dan Ini Pun Akan Berlalu Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Seorang petani kaya mati dan meninggalkan kedua putranya.

Sepeninggal ayahnya, kedua putra ini hidup bersama dalam satu rumah. Sampai suatu hari mereka bertengkar dan memutuskan untuk berpisah dan membagi dua harta warisan ayahnya. Setelah harta terbagi, masih tertingal satu kotak yang selama ini disembunyikan oleh ayah mereka.

Mereka membuka kotak itu dan menemukan dua buah cincin di dalamnya, yang satu terbuat dari emas bertahtakan berlian dan yang satu terbuat dari perunggu murah. Melihat cincin berlian itu, timbullah keserakahan sang kakak, dia menjelaskan, “Kurasa cincin ini bukan milik ayah, namun warisan turun-temurun dari nenek moyang kita. Oleh karena itu, kita harus menjaganya untuk anak-cucu kita. Sebagai saudara tua, aku akan menyimpan yang emas dan kamu simpan yang perunggu.”

Sang adik tersenyum dan berkata, “Baiklah, ambil saja yang emas, aku ambil yang perunggu.” Keduanya mengenakan cincin tersebut di jari masing-masing dan berpisah.

Sang adik merenung, “Tidak aneh kalau ayah menyimpan cincin berlian yang mahal itu, tetapi kenapa ayah menyimpan cincin perunggu murahan ini?” Dia mencermati cincinnya dan menemukan sebuah kalimat terukir di cincin itu: INI PUN AKAN BERLALU. “Oh, rupanya ini mantra ayah…,” gumamnya sembari kembali mengenakan cincin tersebut.

Kakak-beradik tersebut mengalami jatuh-bangunnya kehidupan. Ketika panen b
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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Blue Cash Everyday Gives You Big Rewards

If you want to get a reward every day, you can choose the Blue Cash Everyday card. The cash back offered here was special, that is $ 100 for sign up.

There are still some more cash backs you can get with this credit card.

This is a new something that you can not get from another card. No prizes for rotating category purchases. These cards give you rewards with a simple way so as to facilitate your all.

Some Cash Backs from the Blue Cash Everyday

The following is the cash back you can get by having the Blue Cash Everyday card credit. They are:

1. $ 100 cash back for signing up. It can be obtained after you spending $ 1,000 within three months.

2. No annual fee. Generally, credit card annual fee requested $ 70 - $ 100. However, this credit card is free. You don't need to pay annual fees.

3. 0% APR for the introduction up to 15 months. Either for purchase or balance transfer. It means that you can make purchases without having to pay anything APR.

Also for balance transfers, you are free from intro APR.

This allows you to save a lot. If you have debt, you can use that money to pay the debt.

If the free APR period is finished, you have to pay 12.99% - 21.99%. Therefore, the money for paying APR you should use a well to pay your loan if you have a loan or credit.

There are still some cash back you can get by having this card. For instance, cash back for purchases during a year, cash back for purchases at department stores, etc.

More Information, Please Visit Here. 
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Sunday, May 17, 2015

How to Consolidate Student Loans

Many students are confused how to pay off their debt after graduation. When passed, they still have a large debt. They must pay off the debt, until whenever.

Many of them are confused, including those have the federal loans. Although the interest of their debt paid by the government, but they have to pay off the debt that has been acquired.

One way you can do is making the student debt consolidation. But, how to consolidate student loans?

With the consolidation, you can combine multiple debts into one so that payment is not made in isolation. However, debt payments into one that can save time and effort.

When payments are separated, you can be very troublesome. You have to pay one by one. In addition you need more time, as well as energy and mind.

There is a possibility you forget the time you have to pay one of the monthly bills.

Nevertheless, student debt consolidation still has weaknesses. What are the weakness and how to solve them?

Four Advantages of Student Loan Consolidation

There are four advantages of student loan consolidation.

The fourth advantages are:

First: You can combine all debt payments so that management is more easy and does not take much time.

Second: You can get a new loan to pay off some debts earlier.

Third: You can ask for a longer time for a new debt repayment, for example, 30 years. In this way, your monthly bill can be smaller. It will make your bill is lighter.

Fourth: Interest on loan consolidation remains, namely 8.25%. Although interest in the market fluctuates.

Of course, there are disadvantages of debt consolidation. You will pay more interest. Although fixed rate, but it should you pay for a longer time.

This makes the accumulation of interest is greater than before.

The best way is you have to use sparingly loan. You do not spend on not important things.

Furthermore, you pay monthly bills on time. In addition, also accelerated repayment. You can do this by increasing the payment of bills.

You pay a monthly bill is larger than the minimum bill. This will allow you to pay off debt quickly.

How to Accelerate Your Debt Settlement

Do you have a lot of federal student debt and want to consolidate?

Before making the loan consolidation, you must consider the advantages and disadvantages carefully.
For example, how all of your debt? How much money is needed to pay it off? How is your finance?

If you end up choosing a student debt consolidation, you have to work hard to minimize losses and maximize profits.

For example, you have to make consolidation loans can accelerate the repayment of your debt.
Thus, the consolidated results are dependent on how to consolidate student loans.


Monday, April 27, 2015

7 Ways to Reduce Your Credit Card Interest Rates

For you who have loans with high interest, certainly felt heavy. The burden of monthly bill payments requires large funds.

Is there a way to lower your credit card interest rate to amount to your bill payment is not high?

Indeed, there are many ways you can do to lower interest rates on your loan. They are:

First: Paying Monthly Bills On Time

This is a very important way you have to do. You should always pay the monthly bills on time.

If you are late to pay, you will get a bad judgment. Your credit score will go down. Of course, this will hurt your credit score. You may not get a reduction in lending rates.

Many ways you can do so you can pay bills on time. If you have savings in the bank, you can ask for bill payment is done automatically by the bank.

You must prioritize this point because it has the effect of 35% on your credit score.

Second: Paying Bills More than the Minimum Charges

You have to pay monthly bills in an amount greater than the minimum bill. It would be better if you immediately pay off all of your credit.

If not possible, you need to pay your bills in three or four times. This will speed up the repayment of your debts. It will be a positive effect on your credit.

Third: Shopping Not Exceed 30% of Your Credit

So that the amount of your bill is not great, you need to limit your monthly spending. Do not exceed

the spending rules. That is, 30% of your credit limit.

This is a difficult act. But, you have to work hard if you want to lower the interest rate of your loan.

Fourth: Record Your Shopping

It is very important for those who have many credit cards. You have to control your spending so your monthly bills are not too big.

If the bill is very large, this would be your financial burden. With the recording, you can control your spending.

For this purpose, you have to limit your spending. You will only be shopping for an items very important. Do not buy products that are not important and is not required in the near future.

 Fifth: Choose the Credit Cards with Low Interest

To avoid aggravating the bill, you should choose a credit card with a low interest rate. Not because of the prize draw. Either at the time or afterwards introductory period.

It is very important. Therefore, this flower is attached to your behavior in the shop.

Credit cards with no annual fees also worth your consideration. Not only for the first year, but also in the following years.

Sixth: Check the Report from the Credit Bureau

You have to read your credit report issued by the credit bureaus. You can know your credit each month trip. What causes your credit score to go down, go up, but little, and so on.

If you do not have sufficient funds, you can find a free way. Knowing your credit report from the credit bureau is also very important.

Why? Because lending to you, including interest, all based on a credit report from the Credit Bureau.

Whether the rate low, medium or high, it depends how your credit score.

Seventh: Asking Demand for Credit Providers

If the tips you've done and your credit score high, you can request a decrease in loan interest. You can call the office of the lender and convey your wishes.

You explain your request. You also need to explain that you now have a high credit score. If the first request is not successful, you can repeat the subsequent request at another time.

Good luck.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How to Avoid the Student Loan Debt

Many students left the credit card debt when they have graduated. It reached 70%. It is very alarming. How to avoid the student loan debt?

Debt is one of the factors that undermine the score of your credit. Many people watch their credit scores fall due to unpaid debt balances. They are always late paying monthly bills. In fact, some are late paying a bill of up to several times.

Of course, this condition is very alarming. If the late in paying the monthly bills only happen once with the age of credit card for10 years, it will not have a major influence. However, what if the late payment of monthly bills until a few times?

Their credit scores continue to decline. Their credit score become fair or bad. It can make them get difficulty  when looking for a job after graduation. The opportunity to get a job will be smaller.

They are also difficult to get a new credit card or a new loan such as to buy a house, car, or other.

Paying Bills on Time and Shopping Under Credit Limit


Student Loans are loans installment. You have to pay monthly installments regularly until all debts are paid off. Car loans and mortgages also include this type.

The burden of payment for installment loans is more severe than other types of credit. That is why paying the monthly bills on time is always recommended.

Why? This is the only way to ease your financial burden. This is the way to keep you from the possibility of a large debt bondage.

By paying bills on time, your credit score can be fixed quickly. The monthly bill payment history has a large impact on your credit score. Its influence is 35%.

Compared with other factors, paying the monthly bill is the biggest factor affecting your credit scores.
That is why you need to pay great attention to this problem. Many ways you can do to reduce your outstanding balance.

For example, always accelerate the repayment of the outstanding balance. That is, you do not pay the minimum monthly bill. It would be better if you immediately pay off your debt.

You also need to limit the spending. You did not buy anything more than your credit limit. You must spend  maximum 30% of your credit limit.

Indeed, there are several other factors that cause your credit score go up or down. 

However, you need to pay attention seriously to two things above: always pay the monthly bills on time and not spending more than 30% of your credit limit.

If you can do two things well, you will be free from the student loan debt.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Two Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

There are two ways to improve your credit score. The first is to pay the monthly bills on time. The second is to reduce your balance.

Pay your debts on time is the most important factor to improve your credit score. However, this payment should be able to reduce the amount of your credit.

You should always keep your revolving credit balances in the low position.

Of course, credit history you also have a great influence on your credit score. Age old card and always pay the monthly bills on time can be a positive value for your credit score.

In fact, it could improve your score 15%. Meanwhile, keep your credit balances low to have a value of 30%.

These are things to look at and do when you want to get your credit score could continue to rise.

How to Increase Credit Score Fast

Of course, there are many ways you can do. But, you have to pay your bills on time and keep your credit balances low.

For example, you pay the entire monthly bill as well. Or you pay as much as possible so that the debt is paid off quickly.

You do not pay the minimum amount of the bill. It makes you have to pay interest could go down so you have to pay a small amount.

Refinance loans ahead of schedule is a very good deed. It will have a high value for a credit score.

You can ask the bank to reduce your balance automatically to pay installment payments before maturity. You can choose the desired services such as notification via handheld telephone, Internet, or other means.

Always Checking of FICO Credit Reports

To improve your credit score, you should always check your credit report from FICO or three credit bureaus issuing your credit report.

You know how to progress your credit score by getting the report from FICO. Some credit card issuers provide free access to obtain a report from FICO.

You can ask for repairs if there is an error in the reporting of data. Or data that is written is not the same as your data.

For example, you've paid the bill in February 2014, but the report notes that there have not been paying your loan installments for February.

Now, what is about your credit score? Increasing or you find it difficult to raise it? You do not need to worry. Many ways to improve your credit score. Two tips above are part of them.


Monday, March 9, 2015

How to Choose the Best Credit Cards for Bad Credit

Do you have bad credit and want to get the best credit card? Could it become a reality? How do I choose the best credit cards for bad credit?

You need to be careful. Do not be too trusting with a tempting offer. There is a possibility, it's a scam. You must choose a credit card that can bring you fix your bad credit.

Although it is bitter at first. However, the goal is noble. It takes you to be free from bad credit. You have to tighten your security belt.

How Is Your Credit Score Now?

 First is you should know your credit score now. How much? By knowing your credit score, you'll know where you stand. In fact, you will know how to fix your credit score.

You need to choose the right credit card. If there is an offer that you can get 0% APR, it is a scam. With bad credit, there will be no credit card that offers 0% APR.

It is something that is not possible. If there is, chances are it is a scam or fraud. Why? By having bad credit, you are considered not to be able to repay the loan properly.

In fact, you may not be able to find a credit card with a low APR as 15%. You are also considered unfit accept credit cards with rewards.

Get the Secured Credit Card with Deposit

The best way for you is getting the secured credit card with a deposit. You must first dedicate time to build good credit.

You need to build the shopping habits in accordance with the provision. Not shopping in larger amounts than your credit limit.

If you are able to build a responsible credit, you can get a normal credit card without a deposit. That is an unsecured credit card.

You are entitled to a credit card with a lower interest rate and other rewards.

There are several services for bad credit owners. You can try this service with patience.

You can also sign up at a local credit union. You can get online service such Secured Digital Federal Credit Union. You can choose the amount of collateral in accordance with your ability.

The annual fee is not great. Likewise, the interest rate you pay, only 11.5%. There is no balance transfer fee.

Also, there is no higher interest cost. Are you interested to apply for the best credit cards for bad credit? Or choose another?